Step-by-step workflows designed specifically for wedding planners, so you can amaze your clients and reclaim your time!
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After years of growing my business, I found myself feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and just kind of over it.
I still loved helping amazing couples plan their incredible weddings, but I just didn’t know how I could possibly keep up with my clients, let alone grow my business anymore than I already had. I felt a bit stuck.
I realized I had to do something so that I could continue to deliver the level of service I prided myself on, feel inspired and creative, and actually spend time with my family and friends again.
So I decided to “Polish My Process” by creating detailed, step-by-step workflows to automate and streamline all of my procedures.
And I want to help you escape from your email, ditch your desk, and enjoy being an entrepreneur by systematizing your wedding planning business!
What would you do with more hours in your day?
- Hang out with my friends and family
- Treat myself to a spa day
- Sleep!
- Book more clients
- Start a new business
- Catch up on Real Housewives of Wherever
- Learn a new skill
- I can’t even think about it because I have too much to do!
Growing a small (but mighty!) business presents challenges at every phase of your journey! Which of these are you?
You’ve launched your business and have a client or two under your belt. But yikes! Are you doing this correctly? You know that you have to help book vendors and start a timeline, but who gets booked when? And should you send a timeline six-months in advance or two days before the wedding?
You’re booking weddings consistently and loving what you do! BUT, you want to start working with more luxury clients at your dream venues. Or you just want to knock the socks off of every client you book (and vendor you work with) by anticipating what they need before they can even ask for your help!
This was me, and BOY do I wish I’d figured this stuff out before I got to this point! You’ve booked your target number of ideal weddings but now you’re drowning in the details. Your inbox is flooded, you have ten timelines to create, and your friends haven’t seen you for weeks! How can you grow if you’re already swamped?
Wedding Planners live and die by their wedding day timelines! And creating smooth, elegant timelines the delight couples and wow vendors is a skill learned over time. Make sure to add these 7 things to your wedding timelines to make wedding days smooth as butter!
Constantly needing to post on social media can get to anyone, especially when you have a million other things to do as a wedding planner. This list of 5 posts helps me climb out of my slump every time!
If you let it, email will totally control your business! Be the boss of your inbox with this checklist of 20 email templates every wedding planner must have!
Five things that wedding planners need so that wedding days are smoother, easier, and less painful!
Check out all of the things I have been loving this week! From new apps to helpful articles to my favorite new snack!